Design & functionality
Beautiful design and functionality. The blast resistant litter bins has been tested in real life and rough surroundings, with high demand to functionality and security. This ensures the daily operations will function without anyone noticing the secured inner chamber

The technology
The blast resistant litter bins inner chamber provides a high level of safety for busy and crowded areas. The litter bins are tested and certified in compliance with the UK Home Office official test procedure, and have achieced great results for all four sizes of the bin (waste volume and explosive capacity)
Co-operation by Peoples & Dynasafe
A co-operation between Peoples – the public furniture specialists and Dynasafe – the explosive experts, made the perfect the perfect cocktail for the development of BOMBPROOF.
Beautiful and contemporary design by Peoples.dk
Unique design and functionality
The bombproof chamber gives you the safety you require. In addition we have added beautiful design and functionality. The litter bins has been tested in real life, where everyday use in busy areas requires simple and functional solutions for the daily handling.
This is how we know the blast resistant litter bins meet the requirement from the cleaning department’s, in relation to functionality. The bins simplistic design complies with contemporary demands for modern design, without anyone paying attention to the bins capabilities.
The litter bins can be delivered in stainless steel or painted in any RAL colour .
Contact Peoples.dk for detailed information and pricing.
Gallery – CPH Airport
Airport Design – Developed together with CPH
The functionality of a litter bin in an international airport, where the bins are emptied almost 14.000 times daily is vital. That is how we developed our Airport Design bin, we use for the bombproof litter bin. This ensures the best solution for any place demanding a high level of security, without having to compromise on the design.
The Airport Design litter bins was developed in cooperation with the cleaning department of Copenhagen Airport. The result is a conic inner bin, where the waste bag is fastened with a special designed ring, which makes it easy to change the bag. The ring is wrapped in PVC, which makes the changing of the bag almost noiseless – which both the personnel and the guests appreciate.
Customized Designs
We also offer customized solutions – see examples of customized designs
Blast resistant litter bin tested by the Swedish Bofors Test Center
Proven blast proof functionality
The unique BOMBPROOF wastebin is a result of a of collaboration between Peoples and Dynasafe.
The suppression chamber, is developed by Dynasafe and utilizes the unique know-how Dynasafe has aquired over more than 20 years. The design has been tested using special computer simulations as well as real life testing with explosives, to meet the requirement from the UK Home Office official test procedure
Furthermore the blast proof functionality has been tested and approved by the Swedish Bofors Test Center – this is why people can be 100% safe with the BOMBPROOF trash can.
Developed by Peoples in co-operation with Dynasafe
Dynasafe knows all about explosives – they were raised up on TNT…
The blast resistant litter bin is a result of a of collaboration between Peoples and Dynasafe.
The suppression chamber inside the bomb proof litter bin, is developed by Dynasafe and utilizes the unique know-how Dynasafe has aquired over more than 20 years. The design has been tested using special computer simulations as well as real life testing with explosives.
All tests and certifications have been made in compliance with the UK Home Office official test procedure at Bofors test facility in Sweden.
Fatcs about the bomb proof litter bin
The Dynasafe SLB 400 ver. B is manufactured in high strength steel with special and unique design features like the semi-closed opening and a shock absorbing and stabilizing system.
The SLB Series is of standard design, but can also be tailored to meet special requirements from end users. However, as always, ultimate safety is always Dynasafe´s main objective.
Again Dynasafe is entering a market while setting new standards in terms of safety and, together with design and functionalty specialists from Peoples, also new standards for design and functionality.
Customized Designs Available
If you have special wishes to the design, our concept give us the possibility to give it the look you want. Below you see some fictional designs as examples on the possibilities!
Please Contact Peoples for further information about your individual solution.
Contact Peoples for further information about BOMBPROOF
Call +45 6614 1476
or use the contact form:
Tel. +45 6614 1476
E-mail: peoples@peoples.dk
Strandvangen 1 | DK-5300 Kerteminde
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